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Quotes And Lessons...
I've Never Used So Many Pictures In An Email... Trial And Error Ting.
Good morning to you all, beautiful people!
I hope the weekend treated you all just as well as it treated me.
I also hope that you didn’t forget what I said in my last email…
In my last email, I posed a challenge for you all to ASPIRE FOR GREATNESS and have yourself a fantastic week this week.
Push yourself harder, exceed those burdensome limitations that you’ve set upon yourself and show up every single day with a positive and fulfilling attitude.
Be your own biggest supporter this upcoming week and every single week after that, too.
Let’s just be GREAT, why don’t we?
Now, in this email, I really want to speak on two main things, and I hope what I have in store for you all can bring you all some inspiration and hopefully inspire you to start this new week off on a solid note.
So, first and foremost, I’m not entirely sure if I’ve ever referred to this quote that I’m about to share with you all in a previous email before, but if I haven’t then I have now…
When I saw this, it really opened up my mind and made me think a great deal about the way I go about playing ‘The Game’.
This quote has stuck with me since the moment I read it, and truth be told, I will never forget these words for as long as I live…
‘Are The Habits That You Have For Today On Par With The Dreams That You Have For Tomorrow?’
Honestly, this is one of the greatest questions that I have ever heard in my 22 years of existence.
And if the answer is NO, then you have some serious work to do.
When I first read this tweet, my answer was NO, which meant I had some serious work to do, and I did it!
I know they say that nothing in life is perfect, but I strongly believe that this is a perfect question to ask yourself every single day of your life.
No bs.
Now, onto the second thing that I want to shed light on in this email…
Just like the first quote in this email, I like this one a lot…
I don’t know about you all, but I find this visual both easy to understand and beneficial. My head nodded a few times my very first time reading this quote.
It really made me think…
Hell, it still makes me think. My head nodded a few times again as I was copying and pasting this image into google docs.
I’ve often found myself in this very same trap as I was trying to level up…
Instead of putting my focus into the next thing, my focus was set on separating myself from the last thing, and that was slowing my progression down drastically.
You see, if I was busy working on the next thing, I would be killing two birds with one stone because I would be so focused on the next thing that I wouldn’t have the time to worry about separating myself from the last thing, but I would be separating myself from the last thing because I wouldn’t be focused on the last thing, only the next thing.
Do you get what I’m saying?
I hope so… Seriously. 😂
I also think that this visual makes your mind think in a way that will ultimately lead you to become a more productive individual.
The next thing could be anything, really. There is always something to work on.
Anyways, that’s it from me, y’all. I hope I didn’t give you all too much to think about.
Have an amazing week, everyone!
Until Friday…