Purpose, purpose, purpose...

Do You Know What Your Purpose Is?

I’ve come to realize over the course of the past few months that every human being on planet earth has a purpose.

I have met some fantastic and amazing people during my 21 years on this planet and I have also met some filthy and disgraceful people as well.

And I’m sure you have too, my friend… 

Whether your purpose is to create a business to help people solve everyday problems and issues that they may face, perform surgeries and help save the lives of the sick and the ill, or mowing lawns in the summer and snow blowing driveways and sidewalks in the winter, everybody has one. 

That homeless person that you saw just the other day, begging for money and food instead of begging for a job opportunity…

Or that obese individual that you saw a while back, ordering the entire menu at your local McDonald’s…

They have purpose too, believe it or not. 

Well, what the hell is their purpose, Demari? 

Maybe their purpose is to be an example for you of what not to do; of what not to become.  

I mean, hey… at least that’s what I think…

I really do believe that some people were put on this earth to serve as an example of what it looks like when you don’t take care of yourself or the things that you know you need to be doing. 

Sucks for them, but not for us!

I hope you have a great day guys.

And I hope that you’ve found your purpose in life and that you’re not the example.

Until Friday! 😁