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- Pressure, Pressure, Pressure...
Pressure, Pressure, Pressure...
Keep Building, I Can't Step 'Less I Feel It.
Lately, I’ve had quite a lot on my mind and probably a big, long list of things and experiences to write about and share with you all, but I haven’t made time to do so and I haven’t been in much of a ‘writing’ mood lately.
Shitty thing to admit considering the fact that I consider myself a writer and I try to pride myself as one, too.
My current situation reminds me of an old saying; I’m in a hole.
The exact google definition of the phrase ‘In A Hole’ is this…
If You Say That You Are In A Hole, You Mean That You Are In A Difficult Or Embarrassing Time Period In Your Life.
Honesty is the best policy, as we’ve all heard many adults tell us in our lifetime, and I think that being aware of who you are and what you are, as well as holding yourself strictly accountable for being ‘In A Hole’ in the first place is the first step to digging your way out of it.
Do I sound poetic so far?
I hope so. That’s what I’m going for!
As we all know, though, this is just life. 🤷
I ask myself sometimes when I have a moment to sit, chill and think deeply…
It Could Be Far Worse, Don’t You Think?
Yeah… Yeah, I do think it could be worse, and even better yet, I know good and well that it could be worse, that’s for sure.
You know something… I haven’t been to my wrestling class back home in a while, and I do miss it.
One vital and key piece of information that I can look back and take away from my time in the gym is this… And it’s very simple, actually…
‘Nothing Worth Having Is Going To Be Easy To Obtain, Nor Should It Be. You Must Work Your Tail Off To Enjoy The Luxury And Beauty That Life Has To Offer When You Get Older.’
WOW! Isn’t that statement something??
I think that statement is something to be grateful for, because had I not heard it put that way, my way of thinking would be slightly different than it is right now and I would not have the same perspective on the subject of life as I do now.
Yes, grateful.
Grateful for the quote above.
Grateful for still having a loving mom in my life.
Grateful for my best mate in the world because he’s awesome.
Grateful that I even woke up today, too.
I’m grateful for all of these things, as I am grateful for the current situation and position in life that I’m in right now as I write away.
Even though it is a bit rough, so what?
I have a chance and a choice to make; Do I Want To Start Making Better Decisions?
The answer is yes, which means that I have the opportunity to dig myself out of this hole and climb all the way to the top of the mountain of success.
So again; Grateful?
Yes, grateful.
Grateful for an opportunity.
Take care, everybody.
Have a great Tuesday. I’ll be back in your inbox on Friday.