Why I Love Pain...

And Why You Should Too

Reality is a mother f*cker sometimes, isn’t it? 

This past week has been nothing special nor exciting for me. 

It’s been quite the opposite, actually, but despite that, I’m still thankful and grateful for having had a sh*tty week. 

It’s only going to fuel me up to make sure that this week is nothing like the last one was.  

I want to talk about pain, and why pain is so important for your own personal growth and why I think it’s absolutely necessary to go through some type of pain if you want to become better. 

If you want to go from an 81 overall to a 96 overall, then you need to experience some type of pain, and seriously believe this. 

Pain can be physical or pain can be mental. 

And whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a deep sense of regret because you made the wrong decision, a heartbreak, the pain of being away from one of your absolute favorite people in the entire world for a long period of time or the pain of stubbing your big toe on the edge of your metal bed frame, pain is vital for the betterment of yourself.  

It is something that, for one, we all cannot escape from, and two, something that we can all learn from should we choose to accept and embrace the fact that pain is simply inevitable. 

That is something that I have accepted already, but have you?

I’ve experienced what it’s like to lose a loved one, and you know what it did for me?

It made me realize that life is too damn short and how important some people’s roles in your life truly are. 

The death of my uncles only made me want to transition into the absolute best version of myself because I know that that is exactly what they would want to see from me, and I know that they would be extremely proud. 

I know that they are proud of me, because though I’m not there quite yet, they can definitely see the effort and the time that I’m putting in to become just that. 

I’ve experienced heartbreak, too. No doubt. And you know what that did for me? 

It gave me the fuel and willpower that I didn’t know that I needed to, again, become the absolute best version of myself. To become the beast that I know I will become. 

The pain from that experience only made me want to prove to myself that they, indeed, made the wrong decision, because I have nothing to prove to anybody else but myself, quite honestly.  

And look at me now! I’m in the process of doing just that and it feels great. 

I’ve also experienced what it's like to live with a deep sense of regret because of a poor decision that I decided to make. 

And do you know what that did for me? 

Two things; one, not to think like an idiot before you make a decision, whether it’s a big one or a small one, and two, it helped me learn from my previous mistake and to never make the same dumb decision twice so that I don’t have to learn the hard way twice. 

All of these experiences that I just shared with you caused me some type of pain, but that pain was necessary for me because it was something to learn from. 

There are many different forms of pain, but regardless as to how massive or miniscule that sense of pain truly is, you learn from it naturally because, subconsciously, you don’t want to experience it again. 

Pain is both pleasant and unpleasant at the same time, but you must choose what you are going to do with whichever form of pain you may experience. 

And with that being said, thank you to those who hurt me. 😘

I’ll see you in hell. 😁

See you on Friday everybody! Take care.