A Lesson From An Introvert...

People Are Great!

People are very wondrous and intriguing creatures, to say the least… 

Since becoming a retired introvert, I’ve noticed quite a few things about people and human nature itself, but one thing has stuck out to me more than other things have. 

People are great! And of course, not everybody is, but think about this very statement for just a moment… 

Success is shared!” 

Now, whether you have heard this statement before or not, it is 100% true, because without the help and assistance of others, none of us would be successful. 

But success isn’t just about having a plethora of money coming in, or about wearing the nicest or most expensive clothes or even driving the most luxurious cars.

Hell no… 

Success, simply put, is the accomplishment of an aim or a purpose

I have met people who have been married for 30+ years, and the way that they describe their marriage is beautiful. They describe it as a success, and that’s because it is! 

A friend of mine a few months back told me that he wanted to put on more weight, gain a few extra pounds of muscle and have the ladies drooling over his stellar physique… 

And do you know exactly what he did? 

No you do not, so I’m going to tell you…

He did exactly what he said he wanted to do. He accomplished his goals, and that is what success is! 

The greatest trophy that you can possibly win in all of sports is the World Cup. 

And in December of 2022, The country of Argentina did just that! 

But they did it as a group, as a team and as a nation because of the same exact  concept/statement that I made previously… 

Success is shared!” 

Without the guidance and assistance of other people, could we really achieve success and greatness all by ourselves? 

I sit and think about that very question sometimes, and everytime I do, the answer is always a big fat NO. 

Because no matter what you’re trying to accomplish or achieve, without the support, tender love and care and the help of others, it becomes significantly harder to do so. 

To be successful, that is. 

My humble opinion, through the eyes and lived experience of a former introvert. 

People are great. People are an asset, such as yourself and myself. 

And the sooner you realize this very fact, the sooner you can take advantage of it! 

That’s it for me today.

I hope you have an amazing rest of your day and a fantastic rest of your week! 

I’ll be back in your inbox to bug you again on Friday, hahaha. 

Until then… Take care my friend… 
