Reflect And Reset...

( *Insert Evil Laugh* )

New day, new opportunities and new choices to make. 

Today is the very last day of May this year, which means that we can all take some time to ask ourselves questions and answer questions such as…  

What did I accomplish this month? 

Did I add to my legacy at all this month? 

Did I test my limits and exceed any of my expectations this month?

Was I more productive this month than I was the last? 

Shit, I think these are all great questions to be asked, honestly. 

And speaking of great, summer is right around the corner and this summer is going to be a great one, for sure!

The month of June starts on Saturday, and I have newer and better standards and expectations for myself to meet in this new, upcoming month. 

It’s a new beginning; kinda.

Now, I’ve had some time to myself today to reflect on how this month of May panned out for me, and this is what I have to say… 

Though it was not the best, most productive and fulfilling 31 days for me, I learned quite a lot of different things, I took a few risks and above all, I tried. 

Despite not having the best month, I’m glad I tried. At least I can say that. 😅

And you could definitely make the case that, for me, this month was a massive L.

But not the L that you just thought of in your head…


This month was a massive LESSON for me; a 31 day teaching period which gave me my fair share of discomfort and obstacles to overcome, and I did. 

A massive LESSON it was, indeed. 

Let me share something with you all… 

I saw this yesterday.

I like it, and I just thought that maybe somebody else other than myself may need to see this shit, too. 

Anyways, this is not what I wanted to share with you originally… 

What I wanted to share was 3 key things from my LIST OF EXPECTATIONS for this new, promising month of June with you all. 

And here they are… 

1. Land My First Paid Copywriting Client/Gig. 

4. Join ‘The Real World’ For Both Guidance And Maturity. 

7. Get My First Ever Gym Membership!

Like I said beforehand, this month was not the best month for me by any means…  

And that’s okay. 

Believe me when I tell you there’s an endless list with a million bullet points of things on it that I wish I had done [differently] this month.

Starting as early as tomorrow, I’m going to reset and lay out the standard for myself to stick to this month, get ahead on it and abide by that very standard for the next 31 days

I’m excited! 

This really is the beginning of my villain story… HA! 😈

And the beginning of something spectacular

This may shape out to be the best chapter in ‘The Book of Demari.’

It may very well just. 

With this email today, I hope you all at least got a slight sense of motivation to change something around you and go do something about something in your life; something that you’ve been putting off for long enough now.

I definitely hope you at least gained some type of value from this email; something, at least, that you can apply to or in your own life. 

Fingers crossed! 

Anyways, I have been working on some shit all day today, so it’s time for me to wind down a little. 

It’s time for my therapy session; some PLAYOFF HOCKEY! 

Take care you weirdos. 😘

Be back in your inbox on Monday. 

Until then… 

(P.S. - I wrote this email last night. PANTHERS WON!)