Action Overrides Thought...

Create More Of What You'd Like To See...

¡Hola! ¿Cómo estáis mis amigos? 

I don’t really know what to write about or what I should write about, but I’m sure it will come to me the more I type away…  

You know what? Maybe this should be the lesson within this email…

Action > Thinking. 

I have a question for all of you…

Do you think you get more things done as you sit there and think?

Or do you think that taking necessary action, even if you’re not 100% sure of the destination, allows you to get more things done and stay productive?

Now, if you think you get more done while sitting and thinking, please reply to this email. I’m concerned for you…🥺

I just recently moved to B.C. with some of my family, and it has already been a big change in my life. 

I have always lived with my mother and this is the first time in my 22 years of existence that I have not lived under the same roof as her. 

“Awww! You’re A Momma’s Boyyyy!”

Damn right, I am. LOL! 

I am not ashamed to admit that, though. 

Honestly speaking, it is very different, weird and unusual and it is nerve racking at times when I really think deeply about it.

And truth be told, I’d be more ashamed to say that I am not at all nervous because that would be a complete lie. 

I am not ashamed to admit that, either.

I have a friend who, in the last 9 months, has traveled the world and had some amazing experiences, as well as his fair share of uncomfortable experiences. 

And when he came back home and we were able to sit down with one another and share a bite together, he had some solid advice for me. 

And it was simply this… 

‘Change your environment, bro.’

Okay, understood. I just did that. 

But then he asked me a fantastic question, and I say it was a fantastic question because I had no immediate answer to the question. 

I was kind of stumped!

I had to sit there and really let the question process in my head for a moment so I could give a solid answer to a solid question… 

And this is what he asked me… 

What Would Have To Be True About Your Environment For Your Success To Be Inevitable, Bro?’

(That’s how he talks. Bro. Bro! Bro? Bro… Hahaha!)

Hmmm… Damn…..

What a great question, eh? 

Sometimes I still think about that question, and though he asked me quite some time ago, I still seem to have no answer…

Until today, that is! 

My answer to that question is… 

It would have to be at least a bit uncomfortable, that’s for sure. 

This way, you can get used to working and performing while staring into the face of discomfort, and over time this will help you feel comfortable being uncomfortable. 

And honestly speaking, I think this a tremendous trait for one to master if success is what they truly desire; being comfortable being uncomfortable, that is.  

The voice inside my head is telling me that that was very well said. 

Would you guys agree? 

Now, I’m not 100% certain on where I’m going to end up in 6-12 months time from now.

But what I do know is that I am destined to be in a better position and I will be because I took a big, necessary step into the right direction and I set myself up to be successful by putting myself into a better/different environment.  

I didn’t sit down and think, think, think…

No! I listened to my brother and I took action! 

And now, time will tell how much closer I become to achieving the success that I desire and the betterment that I please to have. 

Time will tell. 

Take some type of action today, my friends. 

Do it for yourself. 

Do it for your present self and do it so that the future version of yourself can be in a much better place than you are today. 

You will thank yourself eventually.

Take care, y’all. 😄